Trezor @Login. The official wallet | Trezor®
Log in to Trezor to trade, send, and receive crypto effortlessly. Stay updated with price alerts. Secure and simple access for all your crypto needs.
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Log in to Trezor to trade, send, and receive crypto effortlessly. Stay updated with price alerts. Secure and simple access for all your crypto needs.
Last updated
To log in to your Trezor hardware wallet, you can use the Trezor Wallet interface or the Trezor Suite app. Here's how:
Open the Trezor Wallet in your browser at
Connect your Trezor device to your computer and unlock it with your PIN
The Trezor Wallet will detect your device and allow you to manage your funds, view your balance, and initiate transfers
Download and install the Trezor Suite app from
Connect your Trezor device to your computer and unlock it with your PIN
The Trezor Suite will detect your device and provide a user-friendly interface to send and receive coins, track your portfolio, trade assets, and more
Both the Trezor Wallet and Trezor Suite require your Trezor device to be physically connected and unlocked with your PIN for every login. This ensures your private keys never leave the secure environment of your Trezor hardware wallet